You came in with a breeze & then the storm washed you out.
Yet, you linger in my mind. Your name on the tip of my tongue.
Where do you go?
Where did the rain send you?
A prayer prayed humbly.
Yet, when the prayer was answered I was filled with disdain.
I asked for the cleansing waters, but didn't know you would erase like invisible marker.
Tattooed in a second, erased in the next.
& What remains?
A dangerous dance with my shadow, she wishes to blame me.
But, what was done?
A prayer for love.
A truer love than ever known.
A prayer for protection.
I asked God to remove anything that wasn't in alignment with my highest good.
How naïve to be upset that a prayer went through.
How blinded by the glow of you.
The glow of you, a reflection of me.
The waters washed you away & now the waters lasted longer than you did.
