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Testimonials and Reviews

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Below you will find testimonials for Blue Wellness including guided meditations:

Thanks, Mom for recommending Blue Wellness on your Facebook page. I love you!!

My dear friend Erica’s testimonial:

First of all, I’ll start off by saying I’ve never really understood or gotten the hang of meditating in the past. I knew that it was beneficial in releasing the stress of life’s obstacles for a lot of people but whenever I would try to focus on being present my thoughts would creep in. Fast forward many years, I was introduced to meditation again with Abby. She has such a calm and ethereal presence and that alone made me try it out again. I just completed her 7-minute grounding guided mediation to connect with Mother Earth and let me tell you I feel much more at peace and in tune. I decided to take her video and sit by the water, I held rocks in my hands to connect with the earth. I had a feeling of great warmth and gratitude for my life. All its ups and downs, in this moment I felt still. This was just the right amount of time and was the perfect intermission in between my walk. I would recommend her to anyone who is new and anxious about meditating!

⁃ Erica

Some text messages from my longtime, amazing friend Julia:

Julia has struggled with anxiety in recent years. I've been close friends with her since high school, and she has always been a vibrant shining light and force of life. It has been so hard being long-distance friends, I just want to hug her every time I think of her or we facetime. I'm glad that I can still be there for her, by way of guided meditations.

I got this sweet message on the Blue Wellness Instagram the other day. Her kind words absolutely made my day. I know how it feels to be overcome with feelings and thoughts of anxiety. I am so honored and fulfilled to know that I am helping to lessen some of that pain for others, all across the world. You don't need to carry on by yourself, let your community shoulder some of the pain. I'm here for you, always.

You can find the "about me" post on our Instagram here:

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