20 Minute Manifesting Journaling Guided Meditation
This video is a 20 minute journaling guided meditation. It consists of 8 questions, focused on manifesting or creating your best life.
This is the perfect activity for those individuals who are on their healing journey, and they are wanting to call in love, healing, spiritual or physical success, or whatever their heart desires.
This journaling guided meditation is the same one that is available on my Youtube account. That means that you can access it for free there.
However I am selling this guided meditation, that you can download and use at your own time, indefinitely, without needing cellular service. Profits will go toward supporting Blue Wellness, as it is still a start-up brand, and supporting myself (Abigail) as a meditation instructor and author. 1% of proceeds will be donated to charity:water.
This is the perfect partner to the BW Daily Meditation Journal! 📓